Sunday, August 20, 2023

Possibility of Meeting Angels Unawares

My husband and I were on our way home from a trip to a bigger city. We'd had a pleasant time eating out, picking up a prescription and doing some random shopping. We made it a quick trip as we were in a heat wave. Although the temperature said it was 88 it felt much hotter. We saw a man off on the side of the road when I realized I knew him! I yelled out to my husband that it was so and so. My husband says if I wanted him to turn around and go back to help the man that he would. I left it up to him. He turned around. The man had ran out of gas despite having put every last drop of gas out of his gas can into the tank. Long story short we drove the man to a gas station, filled his gas can and took him back to his old pickup truck. Both my husband and I saw the same amount of money we were to give to him in parting. The man profusely thanked us. I felt extremely humbled by his expression of thanks because we really didn't do much at all for the man. I actually felt ashamed as here we just had a meal and did shopping when this man didnt even have the gas to make it home. I also took notice the man had a plastic cup with barely any water left in it to drink on such a hot day. I noticed he was just taking sips to make it last. We gave him a couple of bottles of gaterade but even this act revealed my own stinginess. I could have given him one of the eight packs we had just bought. I kept thinking about the scripture that mentions helping strangers you could be helping an angel unawares. Hebrews 13:2 ESV - 2 Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. I do not understand what this means exactly except it is what came to me when I saw the man stranded on the side of the road on a hot day. I wondered how many cars went on past him without stopping. I highly suspected the man did not even have a cell phone in which to call someone for help. I wondered if the man had called out to God asking him for his help. Would someone have stoppd if it had been me stuck on the side of the road? Why does this story even matter to me? What is the big deal? Why is this standing out so big? I dont believe I have helpd much of anyone for awhile now. Why haven't I.

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